Vinny the Vain Vampire

Count DracOwl

There once was a vain vampire named Vinny. For the most part, Vinny didn’t mind being turned into a vampire, but it drove him mad not being able to see himself. As many of you probably, know vampires don’t cast reflections. When Vinny was a man, he was always checking himself out, making sure there wasn’t a hair out of place on his head, and keeping his facial hair neat and in check. Since he became a vampire, almost 100 years ago, he hasn’t been able to see his own face once!

He knows his face is probably light green as he can certainly see his hands. And he rubs his face constantly so he’s pretty sure he isn’t sprouting any beard hairs. But as hard as he may try, he can never be sure that his hair is well styled. Because of this, Vinny always sneaks up on his victims from behind for fear of being embarrassed.

But one night, things didn’t quite go as planned. Vinny, in the form of a bat, flew through a window left ajar in an apartment building. It was one of those cool spring nights that follow a hot afternoon, everyone has their windows open, making it a perfect night for hunting! Vinny, full size now, crept silently from the hallway into the living room. There was a young woman sitting at a computer making illustrations for a children’s book.

“Perfect,” thought Vinny, “her back is turned”. Vinny advanced towards his pray when suddenly SQUEEEEEEAK!! Vinny stepped on a squeaky dog toy. The woman jumped and spun around quickly, surprised by the sound. Vinny and the woman both screamed with horror but the lady soon stopped when she realized that it was Vinny who was more afraid than she was.

“What is it? Is it my cowlick?” Vinny whimpered.

“Your cowlick?” asked the lady.

“Yeah, or something else. My hair, that’s why you're screaming isn’t it?” Vinny inquired, “Or another reason maybe? Tell me I don’t have a pimple!”

“A pimple? You’re a vampire! That’s why I’m screaming! Why are so concerned about your looks?” the woman gave him a confused look.

“Well, I used to be so handsome, when I was a man that is. Then, one night, a vampire came and turned me into one! Since that night, I’ve never known what I really look like.” Vinny confessed.

“Wow! You are quite vain.” said the lady.

“That’s what they call me, Vinny the Vain Vampire!” he announced.

“That’s quite a title,” the lady said in a kind voice, “I’m Sara.”

“I don’t usually get acquainted with my dinner, Sara,” responded Vinny.

Thinking quickly, Sara retorted “What if I could draw a picture of you so that you could finally see how you look and maybe in exchange you could not eat me?”.

“You could do that?”

“Yeah, sure I draw all time, right here on my computer!” Sara exclaimed.

“But I don’t have a computer,” said Vinny flatly.

“That’s no problem! I’ll print the picture. Heck, I could print you a bunch of copies! With InkOwl ink, printing isn't expensive for me!”

“Wow, that would be amazing!” the vampire said with a big smile.

So Sara drew the vampire so he could finally see how he looked. Then she printed him 100 copies so that he could cover the walls of his castle with his portrait, at hardly any cost to her. The colors on the page reflected what Sara drew on her computer since InkOwl inks closely match the OEM colors, even without ICC profiles! Satisfied with the results, the vampire spared Sara’s life.

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